$5.850$9.000 (-35%)

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TRIOS is fast, easy to use, and creates documented accurate digital color impressions. Unlike man other solutions, TRIOS gives you continuous software updates, upgradeable hardware and optional dental treatment modules to ensure that your practise stays ahead as your business grows stronger


TRIOS 3 Wireless connects via WiFi to laptops and the TRIOS cart, eliminating the need for a connecting cable between the intraoral scanner wand and computer. Like all TRIOS models, the TRIOS 3 Wireless wand can be used to navigate between scan pages on the PC so there is no need to touch the keyboard or mouse when scanning a patient. According to the company, the wireless wand features an “easy battery exchange” for non-stop scanning and includes three long-lasting rechargeable batteries.

TRIOS 3 Wireless and all TRIOS color models include intraoral scanning in lifelike colors, both built-in shade measurement and an intraoral camera, as well as HD photo capability. TRIOS is integrated with a number of orthodontic treatment providers, including Invisalign, dental laboratories, practice management systems, and 3D printers.

TRIOS 3 Wireless Pod

Trios 3 Wireless Pod for connection of the TRIOS scanner to a computer. A mobile and flexible alternative to the cart solution, e.g., for dentists working in multiple locations or for clinics with limited space. Computer not included.

TRIOS 3 Wireless Scanner

Handheld 3D scanner with Ultrafast Optical Sectioning Technology for spray and powder free intraoral scanning in Colors. Capable of measuring shades of teeth and adding HD photos to the 3D model. Available with pen grip or handle.

TRIOS Digital Impression Software with integrated 3Shape Communicate Interface

Parts and Accessories:

• Power cable and power supply unit
• 1 Wi-Fi dongle
• 1 charger for TRIOS 3 Wireless batteries incl. 3 batteries
• USB dongle with software
• 5 x TRIOS 3 Scanner Tips incl. mirrors (autoclavable)
• TRIOS 3 Protection Tip
• TRIOS 3 Calibration Tip
• TRIOS 3 Color Calibration Kit

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